Cybersecurity Solutions

Security Practices

Security Practices: Security Monitoring, SOC, SIEM, MSSP

With the growing use of technology, there’s a lot of valuable yet vulnerable information we post on the internet that’s subjected to threat. The activities of hackers and unethical interns, employees; make it difficult to protect our privacy. We’ve seen instances of account hacking, data breaching, stealing of data, etc. that have haltered the regular course of business of companies. To avoid such issues, Infomate LLC. gives way to employing a league of helpful Security Solutions like SOC, SIEM, and MSSP tools to create alerts and continuously monitor unwanted interactions.

What is Security Monitoring and why is it essential?

As a protective measure, you need to fortify your networks and servers. Therefore, continuous monitoring of all the interactivities related to the network is required. Infomate LLC. believes that security monitoring is the key for the same. This is a methodology that enables us to investigate and monitor any doubtful activity on your networks. It also helps you in avoiding phishing, Trojans, ransomware, etc.

SOC: Security Operations Centre

At Infomate LLC., our SOC consists of security analysts and engineers that are employed to continuously check your servers. They use a strong combination of surveillance and immediate action protocol to work against detected threats. SOCs surveil activities on your company networks, shield databases, analyses websites while investigating any anonymous distrustful activity. In case they discover any malpractice, they immediately report it to the incident response team of your organisation. They also provide you with advanced services like reverse engineering for malware activities, cryptanalysis, and forensic analysis. We help you create a customized infrastructure for your organisation, keeping in mind your company’s business goal. This infrastructure includes firewalls, data breach detection solutions, IPS/IDS, security probes, etc.

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